Financial Integrity and Accountability
RAM is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since October 2012.
Our ECFA membership proves our commitment to solid financial integrity and accountability.
The Principle of Accountability (excerpt from RAM's Covenants of Association document)
No organization can function efficiently or effectively without strict accountability. RAM has committed itself to the highest standards of organizational and financial accountability, including membership in the ECFA, and invites those who would partner with us on mission for Christ to a similar standard of commitment.
Jesus made the principle of accountability a basic premise of Kingdom life. (Matthew 25:14-30)
RAM finds three particular biblical mandates that serve as necessary underpinnings to the principle to which we hold ourselves accountable.
First, we must be accountable to Jesus as Lord. (Acts 2:29-39; Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:5-11).
No ecclesiastical body, group, or organization can ever be considered Christian unless it stands and operates under the Lordship of Jesus Christ! Christ lives in and through those who experience His cross (Galatians 2:20) and manifests His presence and guidance where two or more are gathered in His name (Matthew 18:20), but never at the abrogation of truth He has already revealed. He must have the preeminence. (Colossians 1:18). He must be the originator of every organization’s being and, through His Spirit, the dynamic and director of its life or that organization is bogus and useless in the work of God.
Second, we must be accountable to God’s Word as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16).
In the pages of the Bible, when interpreted under the influence and anointing of His Holy Spirit
(1 John 2: 27), there is unerring guidance not only for the acceptable lifestyle – conduct and attitude – of those on mission in this world, but for the unfolding plans of the mission enterprise. Every sacred word of Scripture is pregnant with the creative possibilities of the eternal wisdom of God, ready to birth ever new directions of mission venture and fresh, appropriate mechanisms to do the work! We must listen as He speaks. And, do what He says! (Luke 6:46-49).
Third, we must be accountable to the “Covenants of Association” we have voluntarily consented to.
“Can two walk together unless they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). There can be no integrity in relationships, no true communion in fellowship, no legitimacy in what issues from the intercourse between two individuals or a group of persons or organizations, unless covenant agreements are established, agreed upon by all and strictly adhered to. It is true, for example, of the marriage contract. It is true of religious alliances. For that reason, RAM continues to seek ways to work jointly with brothers and sisters in our common endeavor for our Lord but only within clearly defined covenants that spell out what each partner will give to the other and what will be expected in return.