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Working with and through Strategic Churches

RAM believes strongly that the most effective mission work is done in partnership with the local churches and their servant leadership.  Therefore, RAM in America is working with and through "Strategic Churches" to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-10).  The Covenants of Association document adopted by our mission boards describes the organizational directions, principles and regulations that define these partnerships with the Strategic Churches: 

A RAM Strategic Church is defined as a strong, growing, missionary congregation in the unevangelized areas of Europe, with strong, godly leadership, that can offer opportunities for strategic mission partnerships and provides supervision and accountability in mutually agreed upon ministries.  In working through the Strategic Churches, RAM in America is seeking to accomplish several things:

1. RAM is seeking to support these strategic congregations and help strengthen them to become strong regional-type churches, with an ever-increasing positive witness among their local people.  In order to strengthen the witness of the Strategic Churches, RAM is seeking to send short-term mission teams with a holistic approach to missions, teams that combine evangelistic work, with medical, children's and youth work.

2. RAM is working through the Strategic Churches in planting new churches and sponsoring missionary pastors on the field.  As these strong mother churches are led by the Lord to plant other congregations, they invite RAM in America to partner with them in providing needed assistance on the mission field.

3. RAM is seeking to help the Strategic Churches by being involved in training leaders for the local church.  The leadership training is done on the field, in a modular setting and in partnership with other like-minded mission organizations.  Trained leadership is an absolute necessity to develop strong churches that can reach their country for Christ.

4. RAM is seeking to help strengthen or develop God-centered children's and family ministries in the partnering churches and their mission churches, by preparing curriculum and training leaders for the next generations.

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