RAM is currently supporting 43 pastors and missionaries in Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Austria, Italy and United Kingdom. These are faithful ministers of the gospel who serve under the supervision of our RAM strategic churches.
Accountability is taken very seriously. The supported ministers send monthly activity reports and prayer requests to the strategic churches and the RAM office in Romania. These reports and the evaluations done by the pastors of the strategic churches are presented at the RAM board meetings for analysis and future planning. The ministry reports and prayer requests are emailed to those who support the ministry of RAM.
You can support the RAM pastors and missionaries by praying for them on a regular basis. Prayer is the greatest help you can offer since we all depend on God for everything. We know that "the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears toward their cry" (Psalm 35:15). We know that faith as small as a mustard seed moves mountains (Matthew 17:20). Our greatest plea to you is that you lift our pastors and missionaries in prayer on a regular basis before God's throne.
If you would like to receive via email ram updates and ministry reports from the mission field please contact our office and let us know.
You can also adopt a pastor or a missionary and support him and his family financially in order to help spread the gospel to more unreached people. This is RAM's main ministry - to place faithful indigenous pastors and missionaries on the field so that the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ would be fulfilled through our partnership with them in the gospel. Only the pastors and missionaries proposed by the RAM strategic churches and approved by both the Romanian and American board of directors are supported by ram.
If you would like to adopt a missionary, please contact the RAM office!
You can donate for missionary support either by check or online. For more information please go to the giving page.